Do you have an interest in being a "reader" at Sunday Mass? Do you have the talent to read aloud? Have you done any public speaking? If you feel you have the talents to participate in this important ministry, take the time to speak with one of our lectors after mass on February 24th or 25. They will be able to answer many of your questions. You are also welcome to contact our Lector Coordinator Linda Papas Diaz at: 805-630-4020 or Tom O'Neill, Lector Trainer at: t 805-300-4250 and they will answer all of your questions.
Lectors are ministers of the Word. The church requires they be properly trained (training provided), have a skill in public reading, knowledge of the principles of Liturgy and an understanding and love of the scriptures. Lectors are fully initiated, practicing Catholics, whose lives witness to the Word which they proclaim.
Youth Lectors (Junior high and high school) please contact Jennifer McGee for more information at (805) 496-0222
The Usher Ministry provides various types of assistance to the parishioners attending mass or Special Services including:
The Usher Ministry is important for:
· Parishioner assistance and safety.
· Orderly flow of parishioner movement during communion and other functions.
For further information, call Bob Kama (805)341-3875 or Ed Hufschmidt (805)338-1558. (Text or voicemail - Provide name and telephone number)
Eucharistic ministers present the Body and Blood of Our Lord to other parishioners at the various masses. Ministers choose which mass they want to serve. Training will be provided to those interested in this beautiful ministry. For further information contact Cheryl Zagara 805-341-0530